Data Protection – it is everywhere

Data Protection – it is everywhere.

I have been attending a number of events recently, all focused on the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the impact it will have on a business and this is not just commercial set-ups, it also affects charities and not for profit organisations.

The other aspect we will all have to accept is that data management and protection will impact every aspect of the working day, a fact highlighted in this recent article on employee behaviour . The article describes the potential impact of employees having access to confidential information and saving this on non-corporate platforms, often in the cloud.

With the cloud now a fixture of all our lives it is often second nature to save files to a personal cloud so they can be accessed at home. Unfortunately, this breaches GDPR rules and puts an organisation at risk of a hefty fine.

The answer is not one that will happen overnight but requires an education process that will need to be reiterated many times to allow all staff to understand the impact of these actions but also how they can avoid making these mistakes.

Like all behavioural change, we have to communicate effectively and regularly with our teams, remember change takes time and is continuous.

So, don’t risk a fine, just make sure you talk to your teams and not just once.

Let me know what you think.