February 2018

  • The Power of Social Media

    The Power of Social Media

    If ever we needed reminding how powerful the media is, in particular the power of social media, the news today that Kylie Jenner’s tweet has cost Snapchat $1.3 billion on their value has done just that https://goo.gl/EmZQLH It has long been recognised that the media plays a significant role in the way we make decisions,…

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  • The Power of the Consumer – Unilever

    The Power of the Consumer – Unilever

    The Power of the Consumer – Unilever, it was all over the news this morning. Unilever threatened to withdraw their ad budgets from the major social media channels if they don’t tighten up on their control of content. Finally, the only thing that will make businesses change has spoken, money. With the level of budget…

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  • Connectivity – technology, people or both?

    Connectivity – technology, people or both?

    I’ve just come back from a breakfast discussion all about connectivity. Now, before going to the meeting my thoughts were that it connectivity would be all focused around technology and how people were staying connected with each other and the different channels available such as email, social media, video calls etc. Whilst technology was a…

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