Solar lamp delivers change to transform African communities.

Solar Lamp through CSR

Solar lamp delivers change to transform African communities.

Sometimes I read an article or passage and just think “wow”. This was one of those occasions.

It is not often we see technology developed that will not just benefit those who can afford it, but most importantly, those who cannot. This is one of those cases.

I was flicking through the BBC website at lunch and came across the “solar lamp”, nothing new there you might say, but hold on, this sells for £3.85. The lamp has been designed and produced in a collaboration between China’s Yingli and charity Solar Aid. The main purpose, to provide people in Africa with electric lighting and all the benefits that go with it. The lamp has been designed to last for 8 hours when fully charged and can work as a head torch or a stand based light. To read more click here.

This is one of those stories that for me shows that we can use our global commercial might to help disadvantaged societies. Should we not all be thinking the same thing?

There are many organisations who do huge amounts for good causes but don’t publicise the fact in case it creates negative messages. However, I believe we should all be open to companies who are giving back for whatever reason. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a vehicle that companies use to channel effort and resource into good causes and some then tell people about it, what is wrong with them doing this? Even if they are using CSR to help promote the business, should we as a community not recognise the help they are giving and accept that the efforts of these organisations are benefiting us all and supplementing the government.

My thoughts are that we should know as much as we can and embrace CSR initiatives and help to deliver them and if it helps the business as well then so be it.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, there is a reason this saying came about.

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