What can we learn from Rio Olympics?

What can we learn from Rio Olympics?

With the Olympics now over, I have to get to grips with Olympics blues, what an amazing two weeks and not just because Team GB did so well, but there were many examples of athletes pushing themselves and overcoming many different “hurdles” to achieve their goals.

One element that did not meet the objectives was the ticket sales and whilst there are many mitigating circumstances, there is part of me that thinks that Rio did not do good enough job marketing the games abroad as well as making the most of the opportunity internally as well. With the country in a bad recession, had I been in charge and seen ticket sales low, I think I would have offered local communities and schools the chance to see some events. This would undoubtedly improved the atmosphere but would have also created a great feel good factor with the Brazilian people.
Unfortunately, it is now having a knock on effect on the Paralympics and it feels to me that these athletes are getting the raw end of the deal.

As in anything in life, not everything goes according to plan and we must always have a “Plan B” and possible “C”. We work to do this with our clients, ensuring they have the maximum flexibility and agility and can respond to all eventualities.

The Olympics in Rio were and are a huge business and were they an on-going venture would now be in a position where they were probably going to be out of business shortly. Had the games been run as a business, they would have been able to overcome these challenges rather than resorting to the drastic measure of closing venues for the Paralympics, having a massive negative impact on both athletes and followers alike.

The lesson here is surely, plan to deliver your goals, but also plan for every eventuality, look at how Sir Dave Brailsford work with Team Sky and the results they get.